My Shadow Experience: Kennedi Harris

My Shadow Experience: Kennedi Harris

This past weekend I got the opportunity to shadow Maria Taylor during the 2018 NCAA Women’s Final Four basketball tournament in Columbus, Ohio. I met Ms. Taylor at Bedlam weekend during the shooting for ESPN College Game Day and kept in contact with her which is how I was given this chance. I got to witness what she does behind the scenes along with the crucial role she plays in front of the camera. I learned how to watch games and get research while conducting the perfect monologue used in conversation amongst the different co-hosts. Being able to listen to direction given to her from producers is an admirable talent that she and every one on the cast take in account when filming the show. Maria also gave me an inside look on the flow of the show. She showed me how everything works time wise and I also got to see her in action. When we had one on one time it was a great way for me to ask her all of the questions I had. She gave me plenty of insight for when it comes to where I am in life and where I want to go.

Corinne Milien also played a big role in this trip as well. When it came down gaining perspective from another point of view she was a big help. She discussed more of the behind the scenes and how to be successful in sports business by sharing her personal experiences as well as explaining what she does now. Also, she first handedly exemplified the importance of really marketing yourself and how important it is to build relationships and getting to know people by creating genuine connections by really putting yourself out there.

Overall this experience has been a huge learning one and blessing. I am thankful that I was able to see what it takes to make it in this busines right in front of my eyes and not just on a TV screen.

Kennedi Harris
Oklahoma State, 2021