Dream Team: Kim Blue

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Dream Team: Kim Blue

Kim Blue is a Global Head os Zoom’s People Experience Partners. A former member of the Microsoft and ESPN teams, Kim has 14 years of experience in human resources. She is an active member of SHRM and the NAAAHR. She also hols advisory roles for Black in HR and Turazo.

WE: What drew you to Winning Edge in the beginning?

Kim: The Winning Edge demonstrates core values similar to my own and how I want people to experience me. Honesty, integrity and accountability are the fabric of how I lead, communicate and live and any opportunity to be associated with that excites me.

WE: How did you become part of the Advisory Committee?

Kim: I was fortunate to be doing some career strategy coaching with one the GameChanging mentors for WE. She mentioned how the same offering could benefit the students and I'm passionate about giving my gifts where they can be a benefit to others. From there, I was able to connect with Corinne and Maria to expound upon my expertise and the invitation was extended to join the committee.

WE: Why is diversity important to you? 

Kim: Diversity is the very fabric by which our uniquenesses have the opportunity to be celebrated. Knowing that I have a set of gifts I can share and also embrace the gifts of those around me is energizing. It's critical to the way we live, work and play and become more than just the dimensions by which we are defined. 

WE: What's the most meaningful or memorable part of your career?

Kim: The most meaningful part of my career has been developing myself as, and finding my confidence as a strategist. The ability to help people as a thought partner, to elevate their thinking to the next level and watch them come into their own is truly gratifying!