Dream Team: Ron Chase

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Dream Team: Ron Chase

Ron Chase is the Director of Marketing Projects for the Charlotte Hornets. Ron is also a two-time Mentor with The Winning Edge supporting our mission when it was just an idea.

WE: What drew you to Winning Edge in the beginning?

Ron: Desire and obligation to help those looking to follow a similar path and repay those that did the same for me. Added benefit to focus on minorities. Also appreciate Corinne and Maria’s commitment.

WE: How did you become part of the Advisory Committee?

Ron: I met with Corinne when WE was still just a vision and when she came back with a fleshed out plan I participated as a mentor. Have stayed involved/engaged with WE and joined the advisory committee.

WE: Why is diversity important to you? 

Ron: When we don’t have diversity we are limited in what we can achieve by missing out on the contributions that come when everyone is included, involved and heard.

WE: What's the most meaningful or memorable part of your career?

Ron: Relationships formed – whether it be with co workers, fans, vendors or interns.  


WE: What's one tip you'd give to a company considering Gigs for Game Changers?

Ron: Make sure its work that benefits the game changers and provides something they can take away and helps further their career ambitions and/or enhances their skill set.

Helena Wu is a Duke University 2020 graduate with a BS in biology. She is currently pursuing a Master of Management in Clinical Informatics at Duke University School of Medicine, and is a competitive, record-holding powerlifter in USA Powerlifting.