Call Tips
We know that first-time conversations can be weird, here are some tips that will help professionals share their story and students learn how they can shape their own. If you are a networking pro, feel free to go off script. We can’t wait to hear how it goes - enjoy!
Getting Ready
Get to know the person you will be talking to.
Read their Greenwoodx bio in the Call Details, located on the call confirmation web page and email.
Review their LinkedIn.
Write down a few questions you want to know about them or their experience.
This is not an interview.
Feel free to dress in casual attire.
Students - The professional’s end goal is to share their personal experiences, not recruit you. Hold off on asking for referrals or jobs upfront.
Professionals - The idea is not to put students through the ringer as you might with job seekers at your company.
This will be a Google Meets video call.
Check your internet connection.
Test your sound.
Check to see if you have decent lighting in your room.
There isn’t a standard structure for these calls.
Students - Feel free to talk about your college experience, career interests, and goals.
Professionals - Be prepared to lead the conversation, but leave enough space to get to know the student and learn how you can support him/her.
Relax and have fun!
Start with the basics:
Current Location
Current School and Major
Current Place of Employment and Job Title
Add a little more context:
What are you passionate about?
What are you looking to do career-wise?
What do you hope to gain by being on Greenwoodx?
Start with some things you have in common:
How are you holding up given the state of the world?
How did you hear about Greenwoodx?
Why did you choose this career topic (ex. Human Resources, Front End Software Engineering, Fashion, Data Science )?
What is your favorite part about this career field?
Check and see if you have anything else in common:
What Netflix shows are you binging?
What books are you reading?
What is your first trip once the pandemic is over?
What is your self-care routine?
What pet peeves have you picked up in quarantine?
Have you jumped on the Tik-Tok wave?
Thank the other person for their time.
Go over the highlights of your conversation.
Suggest any resources you think may be helpful to them reaching their goals.
Suggest introducing them to someone in your network.
Next Steps
Record your experience.
Indicate if you would like to chat again on the Feedback Survey in Call Details.
If both parties agree that it was a good experience, the other person will be added to your network and you will get direct access to the professional’s* calendar so you can follow up.