Game Changer Catch Up: Jacques Wells

Game Changer Catch Up: Jacques Wells

2018 Game Changer Jacques Wells from Bridgeport, Connecticut always knew he wanted to have a career in sports. Growing up, Wells had a passion for basketball, even dreaming of making it to the NBA. After walking the Columbus State basketball team, Wells realized his dreams of going pro may not be the most realistic. Still wanting to be a part of the industry, Wells transitioned from student-athlete to intern in the athletic department at Columbus State where he did everything from ticket sales to game day setup and breakdown. This opportunity allowed Wells to see the business side of the sports industry, leading him down a path to his current role as the Assistant Director of Athletics for Operations and Camps at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta. Wells sat down with Winning Edge to catch up and share his journey.


Wells, how did you hear about The Winning Edge and what made you want to get involved?

I was in a GroupMe full of sports professionals and Corinne was actually in the same GroupMe. The opportunity was right in front of me so I took it. I didn’t know what was going to come with this but I knew it sounded like something I wanted to do. I thought at the least I will gain resources and get to network. 

I saw you were a support associate for The Winning Edge, can you explain your role?

Ever since leaving the Game Changing Retreat, I always try to keep in contact with Corinne and other people I met through The Winning Edge. When the 2019 Game Changing Retreat came around, Corinne reached out asking if I would be able to help since the retreat was going to be in Atlanta. I jumped at the opportunity to help and from there, I had the responsibility of coordinating all guests, mentors, speakers, and even Game Changers. Any event that The Winning Edge has in Atlanta, I try to be involved. 

What has been the most impactful part of your experience so far and what else do you hope to gain from your time with The Winning Edge?

I do not have a specific moment with The Winning Edge that stands out. It is more about their mission for me. The Winning Edge provides opportunities for people like me that don’t really have the abundance of resources or network. Not only has my network expanded due to The Winning Edge but also, I have learned how to properly network. Because of The Winning Edge, I know so many people who are positive influences in my life. The Winning Edge has given me an abundance of free resources and has been a tremendous help to my career. 

Is there a specific person in Winning Edge that has been very influential or the most impactful to you?

Corinne for sure. Another person that has definitely been impactful is Will Baggett. He always has positive words and is constantly “dropping nuggets of inspiration.” I have bumped into him quite a few times during my journey. “I am spiritual in a way that when I am in several different spaces with the same people, I think that it is for good reason.” He is someone I have crossed a lot of paths with and he has certainly aided me in my career. 

At the 2018 Game Changing Retreat, Will Baggett was a first line mentor and speaker. Baggett led a presentation on professional appearance. A lot of things that I took from his presentation I still use and apply to this day.

How has The Winning Edge helped you get one step closer to that career goal?


Networking is the biggest thing that has helped me get one step closer to my career goal. “A lot of times you don’t know what you don’t know so being able to call and pick the brains of people who do is crucial.” I am a big believer that you need to learn from people that have had the experiences. College athletics and working in sports is a very competitive industry, so knowing people makes it a little easier. I have The Winning Edge to thank for that. 

What would you tell somebody who is considering engaging with The Winning Edge? 

Do it. Do it and don’t hesitate. “The Winning Edge stands by their mission and they go hard. They say here it is, this is what we are trying to do and they control the controllable.” For example, The Winning Edge will give you a list of books you should read or a list of videos you should watch. They provide you with the tools and then give you the opportunity to use them. 

You can follow along with Jacques’s journey on his social media - Twitter, LinkedIn - and check out his #WhatsNext video on YouTube.