Dream Team: Kelly Brooks


Dream Team: Kelly Brooks

Kelly Brooks is the former Director of Academic and Membership Affairs at the NCAA. He founded The Brooks Element in 2019 to provide support to at-risk and under-served students and student-athletes. He has more than 25 years of experience in higher education and athletics.

WE: What drew you to Winning Edge in the beginning?

Kelly: The Winning Edge mission to arm young minority professionals with tools to be successful in the sports industry so the next generation of leadership represents our diverse population.  

WE: How did you become part of the Advisory Committee?

Kelly: I attended a Game Changing Retreat Dinner of Influence.  I observed the impact Winning Edge was making with a motivated group of young leaders first hand. I wanted to play a larger role in the Winning Edge mission and initiatives to shape the future.  

WE: Why is diversity important to you?

Kellly: Historically, decisions have been made in the sports industry without input from individuals representing all contributors.  Diversity and inclusion allow for all contributors to be represented. This is key!

WE: What's the most meaningful or memorable part of your career?

Kelly: What is most meaningful has been the ability to support individuals within my professional network over the years. Assisting coworkers, interns, and students with being their best at what they want to has been most rewarding.

Helena Wu is a Duke University 2020 graduate with a BS in biology. She is currently pursuing a Master of Management in Clinical Informatics at Duke University School of Medicine, and is a competitive, record-holding powerlifter in USA Powerlifting.