Game Changer Catch Up: Kenneth Towns

Game Changer Catch Up: Kenneth Towns

2018 Game Changer Kenneth Towns always knew he wanted to be a college athlete. Originally from Albany, Georgia, Kenneth’s first love was actually baseball. Once realizing football was a better track for him, Towns decided to pursue football at The University of Georgia. From starting as a walk-on in 2012 to his last year in 2016, Towns was able to play on scholarship which he described as “a dream come true.” After completing his undergraduate degree, Towns began graduate school at The University of Georgia and worked as a graduate assistant in the Rankin Smith building. His rewarding experience as a student athlete combined with his passion for football are what led Towns to stick around at UGA and pursue a career in the sports industry. Kenneth sat down with The Winning Edge to catch up and share his journey. 


Kenneth, how did you hear about The Winning Edge and what made you want to get involved?

While working as a teaching assistant (TA) at the academic building for athletes at UGA, the women’s basketball team had a game during the winter season. A lot of students were actually gone but I was there and decided to go to the game. Corinne and Maria Taylor walked into the building and Corinne approached me, wanting to hear about my journey and get to know me a little better. Both Corinne and Maria Taylor gave me their numbers and encouraged me to apply to the 2018 Game Changing retreat in Miami. 

What made you want to get involved with The Winning Edge?

I really didn’t know where it was going to lead but I knew it was a good opportunity. There were so many different speakers that we had coming to the dinner of influence and I was only a TA at that point so I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do. Having the opportunity to converse with different people and learn different skills made me realize it was an experience that I could not pass up.

What has been the most impactful part of your experience so far and what else do you hope to gain from your time with The Winning Edge?

The most impactful part of my experience with The Winning Edge is definitely the connections that we have together as Game Changers. We still have a group chat from the 2018 Game Changer Retreat that we communicate in constantly. Whether it is the holidays or even if we are just updating each other on what is going on in our lives, we have built long lasting friendships. Corinne and Maria are always staying in touch as well. Making sure we are doing well and asking about updates on our life. The Winning Edge is basically a second family. You always know what is going on whether you are able to be a part of specific events or not.

Is there a specific person in Winning Edge that has been very influential or the most impactful to you?

I can’t pinpoint one person because every speaker and every mentor we have had is impactful. Each mentor has their own unique topic to cover which is powerful. It is a community of shaking hands and having conversations with people who want to help you succeed just as they have. My mentor was Julie Shaw but every mentor you meet has a different background with different advice.

What are you doing currently and how has The Winning Edge helped you get one step closer to that career goal?


As previously mentioned, after starting graduate school in the fall of 2016, I began working as a graduate assistant in the Rankin Smith building. After graduating in the fall of 2017, a position became available in the same building working as an assistant counselor. From there I worked my way up and became an academic counselor working with the tennis and golf teams.

After briefly leaving UGA for one semester to pursue a job as a football academic counselor at Mississippi State in the fall of 2019, I returned to UGA in the spring of 2020. Ever since then I have worked full time for The University of Georgia as an academic counselor for the football team as well as the track and field teams. Right now, I am definitely in the spot I want to be but my next goal is to be the director of academics. The Winning Edge has helped me set these goals and meet them because of connections I have made throughout the community. Each person I speak to shares their own journey and each story is different. It is helpful to hear from people who have experienced your goals before you and help you reach them yourself.

What would you tell somebody who is considering engaging with The Winning Edge? 

Go for it! Step outside your box. Corinne tells us that all the time. I am not a real talkative person but once I get to know you, I will talk your ear off. Take advantage of the opportunity because you never know when another one will come around again. The resources The Winning Edge provides for you are endless as well. You always feel like you can call Corinne or Maria and they will help you out. Even if they do not know the answer to your question, they will connect you to someone who does. No matter how big or small the problem is, whatever you are struggling with they are just there for you. 

You can follow along with Kenneth’s journey on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.