Dream Team: Cam Fenton


Dream Team: Cam Fenton

Cam Fenton is the Assistant Director of the Lettermen’s Association at Texas Christian University. He was also a member of the inaugural 2018 Game Changing Retreat. You can read about his experience here!

WE: What drew you to Winning Edge in the beginning?

Cam: What drew me to the Winning Edge was the opportunity to be a part of the 2018 Game Changing Retreat. I was very early in my athletics career and the opportunity to be a cohort member presented itself. I was excited to be in the diverse room of industry leaders and fellow aspiring sports and athletics industry professionals. It was a great decision that continues to prove worthwhile as I continue to grow as the Winning Edge pours into me and I try to pour back in as well.

WE: How did you become part of the Advisory Committee?

Cam: I became a part of the Advisory Committee as Corinne approached me and thought that being a part of the committee would be a great growth opportunity for me. To be honest, I was initially hesitant as I was not sure I could give my all with the load that I carried at the time. After sitting with the opportunity for a bit, I know that I owed it to Winning Edge, Corinne, Maria and all current and future game changers to continue to help Winning Edge to continue its climb. I had been called to be a game changer, so I must help change the game.

WE: Why is diversity important to you? 

Cam: Diversity is essential for organizations and ecosystems to thrive. The creation of spaces composed of diverse and inclusive varieties allows for more holistic thought and execution.

WE: What's the most meaningful or memorable part of your career?

Cam: The most meaningful part of my career thus far is being awarded the McLendon Foundation Scholarship this past spring. I am currently working towards earning my MBA at TCU. To get the sign off from the renowned organization, its esteemed board members who are the top athletics industry leaders, and to be able to represent Mr. John McLendon is an honor that I strive to live up to each and every day since.


WE: Tell us about your favorite memory with Winning Edge.

Cam: My favorite memory with Winning Edge is still the 2018 Game Changing Retreat in Miami where I got the chance to sit at the table and develop relationships at the Dinner of Influence with the likes of Dr. Carla Williams (UVA) and Dr. Eric Wood (UCF).

Helena Wu is a Duke University 2020 graduate with a BS in biology. She is currently pursuing a Master of Management in Clinical Informatics at Duke University School of Medicine, and is a competitive, record-holding powerlifter in USA Powerlifting.